How to Make Fruit Popsicles with Real, Fresh Fruit | fruit salad ice pops | 2 ingredient popsicles

   Fruit Salad Ice Pops 

Cool off your kids with these real fruit popsicles at home. There’s nothing like enjoying homemade fruit popsicles on a hot day. It’s also an easy way to add more nutrients to your day without indulging in sugar. These fresh fruit popsicles are such a colorful and delicious way to stay cool this summer! 

fruit popsicles

I have used fresh fruits but you can do  a combination of puree and juice mixed  that also works to infuse different flavors. The best part is you can customize the recipe based on your family’s favorite fruits. My boys love these popsicles. I am sure your kids will too.

What kinds of fruit can you put into fresh fruit popsicles?

You can add pretty much any fruit to these ice pops. So take a look inside your fridge to see what you have.

Here’s a list of fruits that you can try:

  • strawberries
  • blueberries
  • peaches
  • kiwis
  • raspberries
  • apple
  • orange
  • watermelon
  • mango
  • pineapple
  • nectarines
  • blackberries
  • grapefruit

What kind of juice works best for homemade fruit popsicles?

Clear juices like orange juice , apple juice, grape juice, lemonade work really nicely in homemade fruit popsicles. I have used  Minute Maid orange juice which is almost always available at my home.

orange juice

 How to Make Fruit Popsicles with Real, Fresh Fruit

Ingredients for  fruit popsicles

  • Fruits of your choice
  • Orange Juice or lemonade 

Instructions for fruit popsicles

1) Peel the kiwis and Slice them and strawberries into thirds or small as per your choice.

fresh fruits

2) Now  press the strawberry and kiwi  slices against the sides and bottom of each mold. Add  raspberries to fill any gaps as you go. Use a popsicle stick to press the fruit against the sides of the mold. You can add as much fruit as you can fit into the mold.

popsicle molds

3) Fill the molds with orange juice, leaving about 1/4" of space at the top for the juice to expand when it freezes. Freeze the popsicles overnight (or a minimum of 4 to 6 hours). Run the molds under hot water to help the popsicles release.


Removing Popsicles From Molds: Run the molds under warm water for ten to fifteen seconds. Slowly and carefully remove each popsicle. If the popsicles remain in the mold, run them under the warm water for a few more seconds, ensuring not to melt the pops.
